Future Hope Of Croatia SLO-JCH, HR-JCH
Inspirations Agnes Bloomfield
" Cassie" |
Geboren / born |
20.04.2023 |
Gesundheit/health |
HD-A/ED/OCD/PL-frei |
Augen / Eyes |
Augen incl.
Gonio frei |
Erfolge | AFR |
Zucht / Breed | BB/EE |
Ergebnisse/results |
Show & Work |
Rudskog's Crash Boom Bang |
O'Flanagan Red Mountain Rooibos
Pyymäen Onni |
O'Flanagan Fria Fantasier |
Fosliskrenten's Time To Play |
Almanza Face The Fact | |
Flatterhaft Choklad Pudding | ||
Inspirations Finaly Friday |
Moonstruck Black Friday |
Caci's Lovley Black Currant |
Moonstruck Positiv Thinking |
Inspirations Simply The Best |
Castelrock Simply Magic |
Inspirations Catch The Moment |
Siegelsdorf 90
A - 9431 St. Stefan Kärnten
TEL +43 (0)650 514 11 99
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